The Mourning Meeting: Episode 18
Lisa Gitelson talks about Foster Care and the Transition to College
Lisa Gitelson was born into a family where everyone did social work/social justice work. She couldn't be prouder of the family that she came from, or more privileged to have grown up in an environment where everyone was able to do this type of work. She started working in child welfare when she was 15 at a summer sleep away camp for children with behavioral special needs. Once she did that, she knew that she wanted to spend her career working in child welfare and has been lucky enough to be able to do so. Lisa has worked privately as an attorney representing child welfare organizations, worked as an attorney for NYC Children's Services, worked in house at a social service agency leading their foster care program and now works at the Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies, COFCCA, advocating for the child welfare organizations of New York. She believes deeply in the power of the family, in the possibility for better and in change that brings better to the families that we serve.
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