Fall Break "Feels"
I dropped my baby at the airport this morning to send him back to college after a long weekend at home. My older son was also home so it was the first time we have all slept under the same roof since August.
I was getting used to the empty nest. I am fortunate that both of my kids are willing (maybe even enjoy??) talking to me regularly, so it I felt lucky to have the best of both worlds - close relationships with my kids AND the quiet, tidy house that I have been craving! It's been working out.
But then, they came home. Shoes all over the foyer, laundry running into the night, sticky circles under the cups left on the counter with half-filled drinks. And I loved it all. I jumped back in to cooking, cuddling and cleaning. For just a few days, I had my old life back. But just as soon as it started, it ended with a quick jump out of the car into the airport hustle and bustle.
I thought I'd be OK. I thought the worst part would have been in August when I sent my youngest child to South Carolina. And maybe it was. Maybe I'm just having a moment. I know it will pass because I've been through it before, and I know I was starting to embrace the life I was building. But not right now. Right now, I'm curled in a ball, tears dripping down my face, missing my kids.
I have a feeling I'm not alone. If you are having a hard time with this transition, I see you.